Frequently Asked Questions
Q: [To use CHEMICALS or not to use CHEMICALS? . . .
that is a question.]
A: [We tend to steer people away from chemical usage where possible,
our reasons being your health, the cost of the chemicals and the environmental consequences.
Society has lots of chemical intake without adding more if it is not absolutely
required . . . some water conditions can only be corrected with chemical
treatments, in these instances we will recommend ways that you can use them in
the safest manner possible.]
Q: [Should you RENT or BUY?]
A: [Only you can answer that
question . . . here are some facts that might help . . . as an example: you will
typically pay $3,000 - $4000 over the contract period just to RENT a Water Softener
which you will never own . . . or . . . you can BUY one installed starting at less than $1500 which you then own
. . . most of our units come with a 20 year to lifetime warranty . . . you do
the math.]
Q: [What type of equipment can I buy from you?]
A: [The equipment we sell is quite
extensive, water filters, water softeners, UV disinfection systems, scale control solutions, chlorine removal filters, (RO) reverse osmosis units and much more, we can handle any water situation you may have, give us a call or email for more specific information to your situation.]
Q: [What is the quality of your equipment?]
A: [All equipment is manufactured and/or assembled right here in
Canada to the highest
standards available for water treatment, full comprehensive manufacturer's
warranties back up this claim.]
Q: [What warranty does your equipment have?]
A: [We
provide manufacturers warranty on all equipment sold ( 7, 10, 12, 20 years and Lifetime Warranties are available ), we also guarantee our
installations to be performed to professional standards.]
Q: [What is Hard Water?]
A: [Hard water occurs naturally when water absorbs minerals from the ground or elsewhere. Hard water will create mineral deposits in your plumbing, water heater, dishwasher and other appliances reducing their lifespans. Hard water causes soap to be less effective meaning you will use more which will cost you money and will also put more burden on septic systems.]
Q: [How is Hard Water treated?]
A: [Hard water can be treated by use of a Water Softener which removes the
minerals and is sized according to the number of occupants and the hardness of your water as determined by testing.
Hard water can also be treated just to eliminate scale build up in plumbing and
appliances like tankless water heaters, dishwashers and kettles, this method
does not remove the minerals but suspends them so they do not attach to any
Q: [How does a Water Softener work?]
A: [The water softener works by passing the hard water through resin beds which have sodium or potassium ions, when the ions of the minerals in the water make contact they exchange places thereby removing the minerals from the water.]
Q: [Does the Water Softener add Sodium to the water?]
A: [Yes, there is a small amount added by the ion exchange process, it is proportional to the hardness of the water and should be taken in account for your overall sodium intake. Potassium based units will reduce this affect.]
Q: [Can Sodium from the Water Softener be removed?]
A: [Yes, the use of a Reverse Osmosis system for drinking water will remove the added sodium as well as many other contaminants.]
Q: [What is that "Rotten Egg Smell" in my water and what can I do about it?]
A: [That terrible smell is Hydrogen Sulphide and is very common in rural areas, in lower concentrations it is removed with a Sulphur Filter, in higher concentrations various oxidization processes are incorporated before the filtering
process, testing is required to determine the levels before you select your
Q: [What is the Brown Staining on my water fixtures and what can I do about it?]
A: [The staining is a result of Iron in your water, it can easily be removed with an Iron Filter.]
Q: [Should I be concerned with Chlorine in my water?]
A: [Chlorine is used as a water disinfectant, in small amounts it is usually not a health problem but in higher concentrations
or extended exposure it can affect your health negatively.]
Q: [How can I get rid of the strong Chlorine Smell in my water?]
A: [Chlorine is easily removed with finishing filters, this should only happen immediately before the end use as chlorine removal also removes the anti-bacterial protection.]
Q: [Why is a water test required?]
A: [You
may know your water has problems, for example, it may have iron or Sulphur in
it ... the question to ask is how much iron and Sulphur, what type of iron or Sulphur and
what else may be in the water that would interfere with proper iron and Sulphur
removal, a water test will answer this type of question and many others to make sure
your equipment is correctly sized and will work properly together to keep it working efficiently for it's intended lifetime.]
Q: [Does your water test cover bacteria?]
A: [Our water test is for minerals, hard water etc., it does not
check for bacteria, bacterial tests are usually performed by your
local health unit at no cost, please contact them for procedures.]
Q: [How much does the water test cost?]
A: [In our immediate service area it is currently free, there is a small fee for our water test if you are not local, it
is meant to cover our time/fuel and will be reimbursed if you buy a
treatment system from us -
call for pricing in your location.]
Q: [How do I get my water tested?]
A: [Simply call or email with your request, we will set-up an
appointment that is mutually agreeable.]
Q: [Will you quote from a water test I already have?]
A: [Yes we will quote based on your water test, however, we cannot guarantee the function or longevity of the equipment you purchase
based on a test we did not perform.]
Q: [Can I install the system myself to save money?]
... we will sell the equipment directly to you if you wish to install it yourself, some
warranty restrictions may apply.]
Q: [How long will it take to have my Water Testing
A: [Standard testing usually is completed within 1 week, specialized
testing, if requested, may take longer.]
Q: [How often should I test my water?]
A: [There
are two different types of tests ... the first is for minerals like Iron and
Sulphur which need to be tested before you purchase a water treatment system, the second is for
bacteria which should be tested yearly if you are on a well, if you are on a
distributed water system (Town/City) the bacteria is tested regularly so there
is is no need for you to test it.
If you detect changes in your water supply it is advisable to have a bacterial
test performed to verify it is safe to use.]
Did we miss a question, let us know so we can include it here.
Specific questions on your water will be answered privately.
Finch, Chesterville, Winchester, Elma, Marionville, Ingleside, Osnabruck Centre, Crysler, Cannamore, Morewood, Moose Creek, Warina, Avonmore, Embrun, Russell, Limoges, Navan, Sarsfield, Vars, Bearbrook, Hammond, Bourget, St Albert, Casselman, St Isidore, Maxville, Apple Hill, Monkland, Alexandria, Glen Robertson, Lancaster, Williamstown, Martintown, Green Valley, Laggan, Dunvegan, Lunenburg, Long Sault, Hallville, Glen Becker, Morrisburg, St Andrews West, Cornwall, Gloucester, Orleans, Ottawa and most of Eastern Ontario.