** Free Shipping on
most orders within Southern Ontario!
Samples must be delivered to us.
Contact us for more details.
Whole House
Commercial Installations
will receive a
$300 Discount
on the purchase
of a new
Water Chlorination System.
Offer valid until March 31, 2024.
No Need to
Go It Alone!
We Specialize in providing
Quality Drinking Water
with the support of a
Team of Professionals
to Solving Your
Water Problems!
Guaranteed Results using
Brand Name Equipment,
FULL Warranties Included.
We Supply and Install
Custom Water Systems
including . . .
Iron Filters
Sulphur Filters
Tannin Filters
UV Disinfection Systems
Reverse Osmosis Systems
and more.
Water Softener
Chlorine Removal
all in one.
Call for latest pricing.
Reverse Osmosis
Make buying bottled water a thing of the past,
Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Systems
starting @ $195.00.
High Quality Equipment
Made in Canada & USA.
Chlorine and Chemical Removal - Apartment Kits
Tankless Water Heater Descaling Units
FREE Quotations & Water Treatment Consultation
We do Water Testing!
Water treatment systems must start with a comprehensive water test to determine exactly what minerals/chemicals are present in your water, these will affect the various filters and/or processes required during treatment and can greatly reduce the longevity of your system if not taken into account, each water source has a unique mineral/chemical composition.
Consultation to help you select equipment is FREE !!!
Call or email today to book a Water Test or Consultation.
Finch, Chesterville, Winchester, Elma, Marionville, Ingleside, Osnabruck Centre, Crysler, Cannamore, Morewood, Moose Creek, Warina, Avonmore, Embrun, Russell, Limoges, Navan, Sarsfield, Vars, Bearbrook, Hammond, Bourget, St Albert, Casselman, St Isidore, Maxville, Apple Hill, Monkland, Alexandria, Glen Robertson, Lancaster, Williamstown, Martintown, Green Valley, Laggan, Dunvegan, Lunenburg, Long Sault, Hallville, Glen Becker, Morrisburg, St Andrews West, Cornwall, Gloucester, Orleans, Ottawa and most of Eastern Ontario.
**Shipping fees may apply outside our service area.
Shipping fees may apply within our service area on small orders.
Contact us for a firm quote on item and shipping costs.